Monday 30 December 2013


The community here is having a gotong-royong and a small feast. 
Why? To welcome a certain Yg Bhormat tomorrow. Haha. Let us laugh berjemaah.

As I drove passed the road, I could see a sign written, “DILARANG MEMBUANG SAMPAH DI KAWASAN PRASEKOLAH”. I could not help but wonder, ‘so it’s wrong to throw rubbish around the kindergarten area but not the housing area… Okay okay. I get it.’

The residents had a meeting to discuss, what to clean? What to cook? What do we need to show? And what do we need to hide? 
Why? Why hide? Just show her the leaking pipes, the horrible sewage system, the disgusting drainage system.

Why does she want to visit?
Owh… Because she received a complaint from the Health Ministry saying that the kindergarten is too dirty and unfit for schooling.
Then why approved the kindergarten site in the first place?
Oooo… Only now when the kindergarten is done, all the problems arise.
Oooo okay. Okay. Okay. Okay!
Since okay is the only word allowed for us to say 

The residents are so hyped to get this place clean before her arrival; the authority namely the Guru Besar is so concerned that The Bhormat might be upset with even trivial things. 
That is just our culture,
WE WORK TO IMPRESS, NOT BECAUSE OF THE RESPONSIBILITY ITSELF or as Islam taught us, as a way to worship Him. 

Yang Menurut Perintah,



Anonymous said...

Logic la ba kan. What's the point of visiting if everything is nicely cleaned and repaired dah? Do'h. Common sense is indeed a superpower nowadays.